Golang | 多线程下载器(附代码、可执行文件)

2024-07-05 / 0 评论 / 23 阅读 / 正在检测是否收录...

1. 功能介绍(使用方法)


  • url
  • folder
  • filename
  • thread


.\MultithreadedDownloader -url https://down.sandai.net/thunder11/XunLeiWebSetup11.3.12.1932dl.exe -folder . -filename XunLei -thread 8


Try to parse the object file...
File total size -> 5.18M
Parse the target file successfully, start downloading the target file...
Download progress -> 33.33%
Download progress -> 66.67%
Download progress -> 100.00%
Download file successeed!
Combine file successed, rename successed, new file name is -> ./XunLei.exe
Spend time:%v 682.2625ms
PS H:\soft\go_projects\ReChat\swpu.rby\filedown>

2. 完整代码(带少量注释)


package main

import (

var fileTypeMap sync.Map

func init() { //用于判断文件名的后缀
    fileTypeMap.Store("ffd8ffe000104a464946", "jpg")  //JPEG (jpg)
    fileTypeMap.Store("89504e470d0a1a0a0000", "png")  //PNG (png)
    fileTypeMap.Store("47494638396126026f01", "gif")  //GIF (gif)
    fileTypeMap.Store("49492a00227105008037", "tif")  //TIFF (tif)
    fileTypeMap.Store("424d228c010000000000", "bmp")  //16色位图(bmp)
    fileTypeMap.Store("424d8240090000000000", "bmp")  //24位位图(bmp)
    fileTypeMap.Store("424d8e1b030000000000", "bmp")  //256色位图(bmp)
    fileTypeMap.Store("41433130313500000000", "dwg")  //CAD (dwg)
    fileTypeMap.Store("3c21444f435459504520", "html") //HTML (html)   3c68746d6c3e0  3c68746d6c3e0
    fileTypeMap.Store("3c68746d6c3e0", "html")        //HTML (html)   3c68746d6c3e0  3c68746d6c3e0
    fileTypeMap.Store("3c21646f637479706520", "htm")  //HTM (htm)
    fileTypeMap.Store("48544d4c207b0d0a0942", "css")  //css
    fileTypeMap.Store("696b2e71623d696b2e71", "js")   //js
    fileTypeMap.Store("7b5c727466315c616e73", "rtf")  //Rich Text Format (rtf)
    fileTypeMap.Store("38425053000100000000", "psd")  //Photoshop (psd)
    fileTypeMap.Store("46726f6d3a203d3f6762", "eml")  //Email [Outlook Express 6] (eml)
    fileTypeMap.Store("d0cf11e0a1b11ae10000", "doc")  //MS Excel 注意:word、msi 和 excel的文件头一样
    fileTypeMap.Store("d0cf11e0a1b11ae10000", "vsd")  //Visio 绘图
    fileTypeMap.Store("5374616E64617264204A", "mdb")  //MS Access (mdb)
    fileTypeMap.Store("252150532D41646F6265", "ps")
    fileTypeMap.Store("255044462d312e350d0a", "pdf")  //Adobe Acrobat (pdf)
    fileTypeMap.Store("2e524d46000000120001", "rmvb") //rmvb/rm相同
    fileTypeMap.Store("464c5601050000000900", "flv")  //flv与f4v相同
    fileTypeMap.Store("00000020667479706d70", "mp4")
    fileTypeMap.Store("49443303000000002176", "mp3")
    fileTypeMap.Store("000001ba210001000180", "mpg") //
    fileTypeMap.Store("3026b2758e66cf11a6d9", "wmv") //wmv与asf相同
    fileTypeMap.Store("52494646e27807005741", "wav") //Wave (wav)
    fileTypeMap.Store("52494646d07d60074156", "avi")
    fileTypeMap.Store("4d546864000000060001", "mid") //MIDI (mid)
    fileTypeMap.Store("504b0304140000000800", "zip")
    fileTypeMap.Store("526172211a0700cf9073", "rar")
    fileTypeMap.Store("235468697320636f6e66", "ini")
    fileTypeMap.Store("504b03040a0000000000", "jar")
    fileTypeMap.Store("4d5a9000030000000400", "exe")        //可执行文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("3c25402070616765206c", "jsp")        //jsp文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("4d616e69666573742d56", "mf")         //MF文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("3c3f786d6c2076657273", "xml")        //xml文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("494e5345525420494e54", "sql")        //xml文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("7061636b616765207765", "java")       //java文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("406563686f206f66660d", "bat")        //bat文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("1f8b0800000000000000", "gz")         //gz文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("6c6f67346a2e726f6f74", "properties") //bat文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("cafebabe0000002e0041", "class")      //bat文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("49545346030000006000", "chm")        //bat文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("04000000010000001300", "mxp")        //bat文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("504b0304140006000800", "docx")       //docx文件
    fileTypeMap.Store("d0cf11e0a1b11ae10000", "wps")        //WPS文字wps、表格et、演示dps都是一样的
    fileTypeMap.Store("6431303a637265617465", "torrent")
    fileTypeMap.Store("6D6F6F76", "mov")         //Quicktime (mov)
    fileTypeMap.Store("FF575043", "wpd")         //WordPerfect (wpd)
    fileTypeMap.Store("CFAD12FEC5FD746F", "dbx") //Outlook Express (dbx)
    fileTypeMap.Store("2142444E", "pst")         //Outlook (pst)
    fileTypeMap.Store("AC9EBD8F", "qdf")         //Quicken (qdf)
    fileTypeMap.Store("E3828596", "pwl")         //Windows Password (pwl)
    fileTypeMap.Store("2E7261FD", "ram")         //Real Audio (ram)

// 获取前面结果字节的二进制
func bytesToHexString(src []byte) string {
    res := bytes.Buffer{}
    if src == nil || len(src) <= 0 {
        return ""
    temp := make([]byte, 0)
    for _, v := range src {
        sub := v & 0xFF
        hv := hex.EncodeToString(append(temp, sub))
        if len(hv) < 2 {
            res.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(int64(0), 10))
    return res.String()

// 用文件前面几个字节来判断
// fSrc: 文件字节流(就用前面几个字节)
func GetFileType(fSrc []byte) string {
    var fileType string
    fileCode := bytesToHexString(fSrc)

    fileTypeMap.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
        k := key.(string)
        v := value.(string)
        if strings.HasPrefix(fileCode, strings.ToLower(k)) ||
            strings.HasPrefix(k, strings.ToLower(fileCode)) {
            fileType = v
            return false
        return true
    return fileType

func SafeMkdir(folder string) {
    if _, err := os.Stat(folder); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        os.MkdirAll(folder, os.ModePerm)

func GetBytesFile(filename string, bufferSize int) []byte {
    file, err := os.Open(filename)
    if err != nil {
        return nil
    defer file.Close()

    buffer := make([]byte, bufferSize)
    _, err = file.Read(buffer)
    if err != nil {
        return nil
    return buffer

type DownloadTask struct {
    customFunc func(params interface{}) // 执行方法
    paramsInfo interface{}              // 执行方法参数

type DownloadThreadController struct {
    TaskQueue              chan DownloadTask       // 用于接收下载任务
    TaskCount              chan int                // 用于记载当前任务数量
    Exit                   chan int                // 用于记载当前任务数量
    ThreadCount            int                     // 最大协程数
    WaitGroup              sync.WaitGroup          // 等待协程完成
    RangeStrs              map[int]string          // 所有需要下载的文件名
    FileUrl                string                  // 下载链接
    DownloadResultInfoChan chan DownloadFileParams // 下载任务响应通道
    DownloadFolder         string                  // 下载文件保存文件夹
    DownloadFileName       string                  // 下载文件保存文件名
    Filenames              []string                // 子文件名,有序

type DownloadFileParams struct {
    UrlStr       string
    RangeStr     string
    RangeIndex   int
    TempFilename string
    Successed    bool

func (controller *DownloadThreadController) Put(task DownloadTask) {
    // 用于开启单个协程任务,下载文件的部分内容
    defer func() {
        err := recover() //内置函数,可以捕捉到函数异常
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("Chnnel closed", err)
    controller.WaitGroup.Add(1)  // 每插入一个任务,就需要计数
    controller.TaskCount <- 1    // 含缓冲区的通道,用于控制下载器的协程最大数量
    controller.TaskQueue <- task // 插入下载任务
    //go task.customFunc(task.paramsInfo)

func (controller *DownloadThreadController) DownloadFile(paramsInfo interface{}) {
    // 下载任务,接收对应的参数,负责从网页中下载对应部分的文件资源
    defer func() {
        controller.WaitGroup.Done() // 下载任务完成,协程结束
    switch paramsInfo.(type) {
    case DownloadFileParams:
        params := paramsInfo.(DownloadFileParams)
        params.Successed = false
        defer func() {
            err := recover() //内置函数,可以捕捉到函数异常
            if err != nil {
                // 如果任意环节出错,表明下载流程未成功完成,标记下载失败
                fmt.Println("Failed to download file:", err)
                params.Successed = false
        fmt.Println("Start to down load " + params.UrlStr + ", Content-type: " + params.RangeStr + " , save to file: " + params.TempFilename)
        urlStr := params.UrlStr
        rangeStr := params.RangeStr
        tempFilename := params.TempFilename
        os.Remove(tempFilename) // 删除已有的文件, 避免下载的数据被污染
        // 发起文件下载请求
        req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urlStr, nil)
        req.Header.Add("Range", rangeStr)      // 测试下载部分内容
        res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) // 发出下载请求,等待回应
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("Failed to connet " + urlStr)
            params.Successed = false // 无法连接, 标记下载失败
        } else if res.StatusCode != 206 {
            params.Successed = false
        } else { // 能正常发起请求
            // 打开文件,写入文件
            fileObj, err := os.OpenFile(tempFilename, os.O_RDONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
            if err != nil {
                fmt.Println("Failed to open file " + tempFilename)
                params.Successed = false // 无法打开文件, 标记下载失败
            } else {
                defer fileObj.Close()                 // 关闭文件流
                body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) // 读取响应体的所有内容
                if err != nil {
                    fmt.Println("Failed to read response body.")
                    params.Successed = false
                } else {
                    defer res.Body.Close()  // 关闭连接流
                    fileObj.Write(body)     // 写入字节数据到文件
                    params.Successed = true // 成功执行到最后一步,则表示下载成功
        controller.DownloadResultInfoChan <- params // 将下载结果传入

func (controller *DownloadThreadController) Run() {
    // 只需要将待下载的请求发送一次即可,成功了会直接剔除,不成功则由接收方重试
    for rangeIndex, rangeStr := range controller.RangeStrs {
        params := DownloadFileParams{UrlStr: controller.FileUrl, RangeStr: rangeStr, TempFilename: controller.DownloadFolder + "/" + rangeStr, RangeIndex: rangeIndex, Successed: true} // 下载参数初始化
        task := DownloadTask{controller.DownloadFile, params}
        controller.Put(task) // 若通道满了会阻塞,等待空闲时再下载

func (controller DownloadThreadController) GetSuffix(contentType string) string {
    suffix := ""
    contentTypes := map[string]string{
        "image/gif":                               "gif",
        "image/jpeg":                              "jpg",
        "application/x-img":                       "img",
        "image/png":                               "png",
        "application/json":                        "json",
        "application/pdf":                         "pdf",
        "application/msword":                      "word",
        "application/octet-stream":                "rar",
        "application/x-zip-compressed":            "zip",
        "application/x-msdownload":                "exe",
        "video/mpeg4":                             "mp4",
        "video/avi":                               "avi",
        "audio/mp3":                               "mp3",
        "text/css":                                "css",
        "application/x-javascript":                "js",
        "application/vnd.android.package-archive": "apk",
    for key, value := range contentTypes {
        if strings.Contains(contentType, key) {
            suffix = value
    return suffix

func (controller *DownloadThreadController) ResultProccess(trunkSize int) string {
    // 负责处理各个协程下载资源的结果, 若成功则从下载列表中剔除,否则重新将该任务Put到任务列表中;超过5秒便会停止
    MAX_RETRY_TIME := 100
    nowRetryTime := 0
    result_msg := ""
    for {
        select {
        case resultInfo := <-controller.DownloadResultInfoChan:
            <-controller.TaskCount    // 取出一个计数器,表示一个协程已经完成
            if resultInfo.Successed { // 成功下载该文件,清除文件名列表中的信息
                delete(controller.RangeStrs, resultInfo.RangeIndex) // 删除任务队列中的该任务(rangeStr队列)
                fmt.Println("Download progress -> " + strconv.FormatFloat((1.0-float64(len(controller.RangeStrs))/float64(trunkSize))*100, 'f', 2, 64) + "%")
                if len(controller.RangeStrs) == 0 {
                    result_msg = "SUCCESSED"
            } else {
                // 检查是否达到最大重试次数,无论是因为下载失败还是超时
                if nowRetryTime < MAX_RETRY_TIME {
                    fmt.Sprintf("失败(非超时),重试 第 %s 次\n", nowRetryTime)
                    task := DownloadTask{customFunc: controller.DownloadFile, paramsInfo: resultInfo} // 重新加载该任务
                    go controller.Put(task)
                } else {
                    result_msg = "MAX_RETRY"
        case task := <-controller.TaskQueue:
            function := task.customFunc
            go function(task.paramsInfo)
        case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
            // 处理超时情况,将其视为下载失败的一种情形,进行重试
            fmt.Sprintf("超时,重试 第 %s 次\n", nowRetryTime)
            if nowRetryTime < MAX_RETRY_TIME {
                // 更新所有未完成任务的重试计数
                for rangeIndex := range controller.RangeStrs {
                    resultInfo := controller.RangeStrs[rangeIndex]
                    task := DownloadTask{customFunc: controller.DownloadFile, paramsInfo: resultInfo}
                    go controller.Put(task)
            } else {
                result_msg = "MAX_RETRY"
        if result_msg == "MAX_RETRY" {
            fmt.Println("The network is unstable, exceeding the maximum number of redownloads.")
        } else if result_msg == "SUCCESSED" {
            fmt.Println("Download file successeed!")
        } else if result_msg == "TIMEOUT" {
            // 不再需要单独处理TIMEOUT,因为现在它已经被包含在重试逻辑中

    return result_msg

func (controller *DownloadThreadController) Download(oneThreadDownloadSize int) bool {
    fmt.Println("Try to parse the object file...")
    length, rangeMaps, tempFilenames, contentType, err := TestDownload(controller.FileUrl, oneThreadDownloadSize)
    fmt.Println("File total size -> " + strconv.FormatFloat(float64(length)/(1024.0*1024.0), 'f', 2, 64) + "M")
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("The file does not support multi-threaded download.")
        return false
    fmt.Println("Parse the target file successfully, start downloading the target file...")
    controller.Init() // 初始化通道、分片等配置
    //oneThreadDownloadSize := 1024 * 1024 * 2 // 1024字节 = 1024bite = 1kb -> 2M
    oneThreadDownloadSize = 1024 * 1024 * 4 // 1024字节 = 1024bite = 1kb -> 4M
    filenames := []string{}
    for _, value := range tempFilenames {
        filenames = append(filenames, controller.DownloadFolder+"/"+value)
    fileSuffix := controller.GetSuffix(contentType)
    filename := controller.DownloadFileName // 获取文件下载名
    controller.Filenames = filenames        //下载文件的切片列表
    controller.RangeStrs = rangeMaps        // 下载文件的Range范围
    go controller.Run()                     // 开始下载文件
    proccessResult := controller.ResultProccess(len(rangeMaps))
    downloadResult := false // 定义下载结果标记
    if proccessResult == "SUCCESSED" {
        absoluteFilename := controller.DownloadFolder + "/" + filename + "." + fileSuffix
        downloadResult = controller.CombineFiles(filename + "." + fileSuffix)
        if downloadResult {
            newSuffix := GetFileType(GetBytesFile(absoluteFilename, 10))
            err = os.Rename(absoluteFilename, controller.DownloadFolder+"/"+filename+"."+newSuffix)
            if err != nil {
                downloadResult = false
                fmt.Println("Combine file successed, Rename file failed " + absoluteFilename)
            } else {
                fmt.Println("Combine file successed, rename successed, new file name is -> " + controller.DownloadFolder + "/" + filename + "." + newSuffix)
        } else {
            fmt.Println("Failed to downlaod file.")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Failed to download file. Reason -> " + proccessResult)
        downloadResult = false
    return downloadResult

func (controller *DownloadThreadController) CombineFiles(filename string) bool {
    os.Remove(controller.DownloadFolder + "/" + filename)
    goalFile, err := os.OpenFile(controller.DownloadFolder+"/"+filename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, os.ModePerm)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Failed to open file ")
        return false

    // 正确的话应按照初始计算的文件名顺序合并,并且无缺失
    for _, value := range controller.Filenames {
        retryTime := 3
        tempFileBytes := []byte{}
        for retryTime > 0 {
            tempFileBytes = ReadFile(value)
            time.Sleep(100) // 休眠100毫秒,看看是不是文件加载错误
            if tempFileBytes != nil {
            retryTime = retryTime - 1
    return true

func ReadFile(filename string) []byte {
    tempFile, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDONLY, os.ModePerm)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Failed to open file " + filename)
        return nil
    tempFileBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(tempFile)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Failed to read file data " + filename)
        return nil
    return tempFileBytes

func TestDownload(urlStr string, perThreadSize int) (int, map[int]string, []string, string, error) {
    // 尝试连接目标资源,目标资源是否可以使用多线程下载
    length := 0
    rangeMaps := make(map[int]string)
    req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urlStr, nil)
    req.Header.Add("Range", "bytes=0-1") // 测试下载部分内容
    res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
    contentType := ""
    rangeIndex := 1
    filenames := []string{}
    if err != nil {
        rangeMaps[rangeIndex] = urlStr
        return length, rangeMaps, filenames, contentType, errors.New("Failed to connet " + urlStr)
    if res.StatusCode != 206 {
        rangeMaps[rangeIndex] = urlStr
        return length, rangeMaps, filenames, contentType, errors.New("Http status is not equal to 206!")
    // 206表示响应成功,仅仅返回部分内容
    contentLength := res.Header.Get("Content-Range")
    contentType = res.Header.Get("Content-Type")
    total_length, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(contentLength, "/")[1])
    if err != nil {
        return length, rangeMaps, filenames, contentType, errors.New("Can't calculate the content-length form server " + urlStr)
    now_length := 0 // 记录byte偏移量
    for {
        if now_length >= total_length {
        var tempRangeStr string // 记录临时文件名
        if now_length+perThreadSize >= total_length {
            tempRangeStr = "bytes=" + strconv.Itoa(now_length) + "-" + strconv.Itoa(total_length-1)
            now_length = total_length
        } else {
            tempRangeStr = "bytes=" + strconv.Itoa(now_length) + "-" + strconv.Itoa(now_length+perThreadSize-1)
            now_length = now_length + perThreadSize
        rangeMaps[rangeIndex] = tempRangeStr
        filenames = append(filenames, tempRangeStr)
        rangeIndex = rangeIndex + 1
    return total_length, rangeMaps, filenames, contentType, nil

func (controller *DownloadThreadController) Init() {
    taskQueue := make(chan DownloadTask, controller.ThreadCount)
    taskCount := make(chan int, controller.ThreadCount+1)
    exit := make(chan int)
    downloadResultInfoChan := make(chan DownloadFileParams)
    controller.TaskQueue = taskQueue
    controller.TaskCount = taskCount
    controller.Exit = exit
    controller.DownloadResultInfoChan = downloadResultInfoChan
    controller.WaitGroup = sync.WaitGroup{}
    controller.RangeStrs = make(map[int]string)

func main() {
    now := time.Now()
    url := flag.String("url", "", "The http file's download url")
    downloadFolder := flag.String("folder", ".", "The downloaded file save path")
    downloadFilename := flag.String("filename", filepath.Base(*url), "The downloaded file save name")
    threadCount := flag.Int("thread", 6, "Tht number of child threads to download file")

    oneThreadDownloadSize := 1024 * 1024 * 1 // 一个线程下载文件的大小
    controller := DownloadThreadController{ThreadCount: *threadCount, FileUrl: *url, DownloadFolder: *downloadFolder, DownloadFileName: *downloadFilename}
    fmt.Printf("Spend time:%v\n", time.Since(now))

3. 可执行文件(exe)

通执行 go build -o MultithreadedDownloader.exe .\main.go 将该程序编译为可执行文件,如果是想直接使用则可以直接下载该文件

4. 下载器实现思想(待续)

该多线程下载器基于http协议,服务端需支持下载文件指定内容,即在请求头中加入req.Header.Add("Range", "bytes=0-1")后,返回的相应头中若包含Content-Range,则视为支持文件部分内容下载;否则只能一次性下载,具体协议内容请参考http1.1范围请求;若文件支持多线程下载,则事先根据文件大小进行文件拆分,事先为每块文件分配文件名等信息,随后将每块文件的下载任务加入通道(类似消息队列)中,ResultProccess()方法会根据通道中的任务来开启下载协程,并处理下载结果(失败重试,大于一定重试次数退出;成功则从map中剔除该任务,由于操作map只有主线程,因此无需使用sync.Map);最后根据该方法的返回值来判断下载完成情况;若完成下载,则合并所有临时下载的文件块,最后根据文件内容的开头来判断文件类型,对文件后缀名进行更改。

5. 代码详细解析(待续)

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