OpenHD | 系列教程 —— 参数设置(频段设置)

2024-12-03 / 0 评论 / 20 阅读 / 正在检测是否收录...

官方文档包括网上找了一圈,都说系统设置是放在 openhd-settings-1.txt 这个配置文件中。
由于刷写的是最新的镜像(2.6.0),已经找不到 openhd-settings-1.txt 这个文件了。
翻了一圈之后,最后在 release 中的 v2.3.1-evo-beta-hotfix1 版本中找到了相关说明,移动到了 /usr/local/share/openhd 目录中

Fixes "lost persistence" bug:

The /boot/ directory on rpi seems to be really perceptible to corruption / errors when un-powering the pi by connecting / disconnecting power.
This can result in loosing all persistent settings (including camera, link frequency,...) when re-powering the pi as described above.
Fix: change the "openhd settings path" back to /usr/local/share/openhd from /boot/openhd
Also, move curr_pri_cam_config to ohd_video settings directory.

We'l update the .img from the image flasher, or you can update manually (after connecting to the internet) by updating the openhd package.
After a successfull update, the version number of openhd (can be fetched in QOpenHD) should be 2.3.1-evo-hotfix1


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